Okay Cyprus ~ wot's an Ocean Basket over there?
In the UK you'd get a few manky prawns, some scampi (same thing really) and if you are very lucky a bit of salid and some pink dressing oh and chips of course.
It's like a soup kitchen here...........
How very disappointing
When I had the pub on the Isle of Wight I used to serve a lot of sea food..... All local caught stuff in season wiv salads fresh from a local farm and NO chips.
Best sellers were:
1) A pint of garlic prawns (and the world's best garlic is grown on the IoW) wiv wholegrain bread and salad.
2) Plaice stuffed with cheese
3) Fresh caught BBQ'd Mackerel on Granary toast
4) Squid/Cuttle fish with Pasta
5) Dressed Crab
I loved going down to the dockside to buy the fish early in the mornings.