Tuesday: Egg’n’chips…in a crusty baguette.

On Monday buy a chicken kebab and chips from the man in the van in lay-by. Eat kebab but there are always too many chips so eat what you can and save remaining chips in plastic container from the Chinese takeaway you bought on Sunday.
On Tuesday evening open a bottle of red collapso. Take part baked baguette from cupboard and put in oven for 10 mins. When done, take out and put to one side to cool. Drink some collapso.
When baguette is nearly cool, put frying pan on the fire with some oil and butter. Crack two eggs into frying pan. Meanwhile put left over chips from Sunday into microwave for three minutes. Drinking, not drizzling collapse throughout.
Focus on the eggs in frying pan, basting tops in the oil and butter until ready.
Take a baguette and cut in half. Take the right hand side, not the left, and cut in half. Lather both insides in butter and drizzle tomato sauce on bottom half. Heap chips on bottom half and apply vinegar and salt. It is critical that the vinegar goes of first and then the salt. If you put the salt on first, it will get washed off with the vinegar.
Put one egg over the chips laid on the bottom half of the baguette. Apply the top half of the baguette and press down, gently.
Pick up right hand side of baguette and gently bit into it until the golden egg yolk flows out the side and dribbles down your fingers.
Repeat with left hand side of baguette and drink rest of the collapso, then open another bottle.
Leave frying pan and utensils on the counter to go hard overnight and try to clean the next day, then throw in bin…