No ~ Some rich fella's daughter's 21st birthday party. The Stones were employed to play after the string quartet had done their stuff and the "grown-ups" had retired to other parts of the house. All long before the days when some twerp in a van could turn up with several boxes of records and a double turntable and bass amplifier.
I was part of a group from the local RAF Base brought in (contri to RAF funds rather than money for us) to play during the interval whilst the Stones got their second wind (or shagged half the wimmin there for all I know). Jagger & Co did two 60 minute sets, we did one 30 minute. Jagger was actually quite civilised and pleasant to talk to but seemed bewildered that we should be willing to have short haircuts and march around being shouted at. Our careers took different paths after that.
I edit to add that the Stones were breathtakingly good and we were crap but it was good to be able to dine out for some years on having appeared in the same gig.