Parking Services
Civic Offices
St. Nicholas Way
SM1 1EA 20/04/2009
Ref: enclosed PCN – issued 20/04/2009
Dear Sirs,
This morning after visiting the JobCentrePlus, I returned to find the enclosed PCN under my nearside wiper blade.
I simply cannot understand why this has been issued - at 10.10 I paid £1.10 for a one hour parking permit and this was left clearly visible on the dashboard. I enclose the relevant ticket, which I have taken a copy of.
I look forward to receiving confirmation that this ticket was wrongly issued and that Enforcement Officer no.328 has undergone further training in the difficult task of spotting clearly visible tickets on dashboards, or at least has been informed that he/she should have gone to a well known High Street Opticians.
I will not, in this instance, seek reimbursement for the cost of postage or my time spent writing this challenge.
Yours sincerely,