Lovely day here.
THW has thrown a wobbly ~ Painters are in and it's Welsh Oral GCSE today
Minor has buggered the innertube on his front wheel so I have now to indulge in a "this is how you remove a bicycle wheel, remove a tyre and inner tube, replace innertube and valve and then replace the tyre without bending Mummy's spoons or trapping the new inner tube" lesson.
Minimus is due to be elevated from Beavers to Cubs next Monday and needs a different uniform sweater. Local shops are sold out so I have had to hit the net and pay for special delivery to get it here in time.
SWWLTBO has found another load of crap for the tip and also decided that Minimus needs a bike of his own so that she can take both boys for healthy cycle rides now that the weather has (temporarily I suspect) improved ~ she wants this achieved this morning.
Minimus managed to leave his "crash bag" containing the necessary medications should he suffer an anaphylactic attack in the pub where we had lunch yesterday so I have to collect that as well. Fortunately we (a) have a spare bag of kit and (b) revisiting the pub is no hardship to me but it does mean I cannot squirm out of the tip run as they are close to one another.
All in all ~ another happy day in paradise