Dark and horrible here. I'm off to Swindon soon.
When I got back from the real pub yesterday evening, my first job was to bury Charlie, the Hamster, who finally died aged about 5. Mrs TMRBB and the daughter were not impressed when I suggested flushing it down the bog.
Slightly understandable like tbqath.
NOT that I want too be seen supporting and agreeing with wimmins thoughts and stuff like.
I have a male chauvenistic pig reputation to live up to.
Right. Is it time for a replacement then Moany?
No point in mowpsing about
reminicing reminising reflecting back on those happy days with Hammy is there?
Here in the Growler Empire we have a very nice 2nd hand cat, and it's FREE!
Absolute ideal replacement, and comes complete with a rat basket, litter tray UNUSED, and a l;arge bag of grit...handy if it gets icy again....and a bag of nappies for when its sniffing around the house looking for more food.
It's yours!
I'm on me way!
Thanks for your business.