Decided to go to the gym this morning.
Went out, loads of snow, loads of cars going sideways.
After waiting quite a while for a bus, Mrs Tel came along to go to work. Told her about her lack of buses and then some people came along and told us that the buses were being diverted. Problem was that nobody knew where they were being diverted.
We both decided to walk although in opposite directions.
After an hour in the gym I came out to find that buses were still being diverted. Absolutely crazy that no-one comes along to explain what's going on.
Have now had a rant on TFL website.
PS for TMR - went slightly the wrong way this morning, ended up in the Grove, but your road and the rest around there were extremely treacherous, 2 to 3 inches of snow. Saw one van coming along Mill Lane trying to do a left into Strawberry Lane - went sideways instead, into River Walk or whatever it is called.
Loadsa school closed again!