STILL thouroughly gorge!
Have a weekend trip with a mate......
Goin' the show at Weston Park in'I?
On me own like, as my so called 'mate/s' don't do socialising anymore as they've all turned into boring owld farts that would rather sit at home holding hands with wifey watching un-reality shite tv shows....and get all excited about them too
going to B and exceedinly long Q (as instructed) potter about in the garden, and generally doing as they are TOLD!
Heart attacks waiting to happen they are...1 went just before they sit there patiently waiting for the 'Big Black Bus'.
Determined it won't happen that way to me.
I'll fight every single molecule of 'creeping old ageism' all the way off the top of a mountain or in the paws of one of my rabid mates in the wilds.