We were told it was because there was nothing for the yoof in the village.
We opened a Youth Club ~ the County Council withheld their promised funding until we "proved" it would work. We funded it ourselves (as parents) and we saw a "Youth Worker" attend once in six months. The members became ever more out of control. Two parents were assaulted by 13 year olds from outside of the village so we restricted membership to strictly residents only and no guests unless related to the member (eg visiting cousins etc). Council funding was still withheld ~ now because we were no longer "inclusive". We had 75 registered members and the hall only has a licence for 120 persons in total. We raised funds, provided a pool table, a disco deck and speakers etc, we laid on instruction in various arts and crafts (in a separate room for those that wanted to join in such activities). Further assaults occurred. We got the police (local bobby) to come along in civvies "to be more approachable". One lippy little sod tried to assault him. We suspended the club for two weeks and reopened and it got worse. We heard noises on the roof one evening, investigation revealed three club members on the roof throwing tiles into neighbouring gardens. We paid the village hall for the repairs and suspended the club for a month and tried again. After three years of this we closed the club.
Over the same time we raised £76,000.00 and built a playground (swings, roundabouts, slides, toddler area etc) all with the highest spec equipment and safety features. Next to this we built a high spec skateboard and mountain bike area with ramps etc and a safety area with seating for those teenagers (mainly girls) wishing to watch whilst the boys performed their stunts. We then went on to raise a further £60,000.00 to build a Multi Use Games Area (basically an all weather five aside pitch suitable for either football or basketball) with built in goals, "dugout" area, basket ball hoops built into the fencing and installed spotlights for evening fixtures. Three years from start (first meeting to elect a committee, me as Secretary) to finish of project but we had the skating area and playground up within the first 18 months.
One month after opening we had to clean the area of broken glass etc and found 21 needles
We have had to ask the police to patrol the area as a matter of course. It has attracted flashers.
The new facilities are in a village centre park which also has a full sized grass football pitch. Remember this is only a village with 1980 on the electoral roll.
We have started an under 10s and an under 11s football team. This coming season the under 11s become under 12s, the under 10s move up to under 11s and we will have an new under 10s team.
We have a local rugby club that gives weekly training sessions free to village kids, I organise an annual Scarecrow Week during the summer holidays, which gives the kids something to compete in. Prizes are things like MP3 players so it is worth while them entering (because they are mercenary little so 'n' sos). Kick Boxing, Judo, Dance (Tap, Ballet & Modern) classes all run weekly.
This is best described as an "Aspirational" area. Most homes have broadband access, two or three cars and all the trimmings. There are no houses cheaper than £150k and that will buy you a two up two down cottage. There are good and frequent bus services into the fleshpots of Rhyl and Prestatyn with onward train links to Chester, Liverpool and Manchester. Approx one third of the village is retired folk, one third self employed and one third commutes to Manchester etc. Private tutors can charge the earth and still have more applicants than they can satisfy.
We still have a "Yoof Problem" such as you describe (and I know what you mean by worse things happen than you want to write about here). Why? ~ Well we asked them and they said "We've got nothing to do" which of course translates as "We want to drink and smoke and all your activities stop us doing that that so we won't use them"
So we got fed up with telling the school management, the council and the police about our problems and, as you can see, did something about it for ourselves. We felt good and well pleased with ourselves when we had finished.
In fact it was a complete waste of time, effort and money because no matter what we do or what the schools, police and government say, how much money the Welsh Assembly, Westminster or the EC throw at the problem until someone wakes up and starts belting the little sods for indiscipline, teaching them that with "Rights" comes "Responsibility" and reintroduces National Service (Army discipline but once they have learned to march etc do not send them to fight a war rather get them mending roads and rebuilding the infrastructure of our country) we are going nowhere with them. If it takes Curfews, Borstals, Remand Homes etc then so be it. Those are the things we stopped doing and from then on it has been downhill all the way. Zero tolerance is now the only option left. We have tried everything else. Until these children learn self respect there will be no respect by them for society. We have got to stop giving them things, stop trying to bribe them (for that is what we have been doing for the last thirty years or more) and start letting them know where the boundaries are drawn and what the penalties are for stepping over them.
I joined (as a volunteer) the RAF in 1963. A couple of weeks in I gave a serving airman a lippy answer to something he ordered me to do. I got a rifle butt in the face for my trouble (still have the broken tooth) followed by 7 days of greasy tin cleaning in the mess kitchens. I never got lippy again.