We've got that in Wales, more or less, and it's still the same crowd putting their names forward.
Armed Combat would be a good plan ~ the last bugger standing gets the job.
But he'd be a mindless thug... a but like the current lot...
OK Sensible plan coming up ............. Raise the age at which people can put their names forward for election to 40 or even 50. Make them pay their own "Deposit" which should be raised from £500 to £5000 and should be forfeit no matter whether they win or lose. Scrap all parties and make them all independent. PM to be elected by separate national ballot, ministers to be elected by MPs. Limit election expenses to £15K per candidate. Implement these ideas and you will get people who have made their way in business, learnt about life in the process and can afford to give their time to government. It would also get rid of all this voting on party lines and the preferment that obedience to the party whip brings thus ensuring that the strongest arguments would win the day. Return the House of Lords to hereditary peers only and limit their voting powers to an ability to return any bill to the Commons for a rethink that should include the Lord's comments. If it comes back, fully considered, a second time it passes.
Give the Monarch the final veto as all states with a President do but limit the number of vetoes the Monarch can have per parliament without a referendum so that the people can have their say. Limit pay for all MPs, ministers etc to twice the national average. Supply their secretarial staff and researchers from a central pool of suitably qualified and vetted people directly paid for by and part of the Civil Service. Allow no MP to appoint their own secs or researchers unless they pay for them out of their own pockets. Turn the Palace of Westminster into a museum of British Life through the ages and put the whole lot of them into an office block where they have to clock in 9 to 5 Monday to Friday, 48 weeks of the year, like the rest of us. Scrap all preferments and honours for MPs until they have been retired for at least 5 years.
If that fails revert to "Last Man Standing"