Train????? They will all be going in their chauffeur driven taxpayer supplied luxury motorcars. They will not even share cars.
Of course it is a stunt. They will no more listen to "ordinary people" in Birmingham than they do in London.
They are doing this because Nulabour suggested that County Councils should be more active in holding their meetings out in the communities they are supposedly serving. The Welsh Assembly and the Scottish "parliament" do this and inflict themselves upon Local Authorities from time to time. It causes traffic chaos because the local police close all the roads whilst "the great and the good" arrive and depart. Extra Police are diverted from normal duties (Form filling and eating donuts) to guard the premises and Special Branch wander around trying hard to look inconspicuous. The Local Authorities pick up the bills for this exercise in "local democracy" which means we pay for it.
In Denbighshire the County Council hold half their meetings "in the community" so f*ck knows why they needed to build and equip a new council chamber at a cost of £1m two years ago. The last time they held their meeting in this village they picked a Youth Club night. The Councillors were surprised to find themselves sharing a hall with local yoof and even more surprised that when they sent the clerk into the youth club to ask them to "keep the noise down" the local yoof all rushed into the car park and about 20 of them mooned the council members through the windows of the committee room. Police were summoned to attend and p*ssed themselves laughing.
The Councillors have not been back.