I got a tax refund last week. £190. My cup runneth over.
Anywho, as I am in for the long haul I have decided to participate in further education.
I left school as soon as possible without any qualifications (except CSE's, does any one remember them?) in fact I left school quite frequently before It was legally possible. Like many I regret it, but I loathed secondary school with a passion.
So I may try GCSE's ("or equivalent" as it says on so many job applications) in English & sums. Or possibly basic IT stuff ( I have much IT experience but nothing on paper).
There is a lot available free if you are on JSA (or equivalent) and it looks good on one's CV to show you are doing something other than sitting on ones arse posting shite on web forums.
I just took some on-line assessments that indicate I am in fact, a retard. But Nil Desparandum, I am awaiting a phone call from education types to see what is available.
I am amazed that I still remain positive. 30 jobs applied for in April.