
Author Topic: The all new TG's gorra job, worra bout you thread  (Read 103139 times)

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Offline Uncle Mort

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #795 on: April 08, 2009, 12:45:28 PM »

Offline Miss Demeanour

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #796 on: April 08, 2009, 01:02:50 PM »

What is wrong with people. My name and contact details have been put down on the job advert  - for the purpose of  'if you want to discuss the role further before applying' stuff.

In the past two days I have received 10 calls asking if they don't have the qualification would it still be worth applying - errr that will be no then. Can you not be arsed to read the job description yourself you lazy twonks  evil:

Then I have had 2 emails from people asking if that was really what we meant in the advert - errrr yes  evil:

I have also received an email just now from someone who seems convinced he doesn't need to actually fill in an application form.......I shall quote lines from his never ending, self promoting diatribe of shite  noooo:

I’ve seen the above job post on the website.  Having read the job specification I feel that I can be a great candidate for this role.  I am a degree candidate who has worked in the public sector for a number of years, I am a creative trouble-shooter and a problem solver who is very analytical and adapts easily to new situations, I am a quick learner who enjoys new challenges. Ability to focus on a given problem or project until it is resolved or completed, with these abilities I can be an asset to the organisation.

you still awake yet ... there are another 18 paparagraphs ( I kid you not  noooo:)

which ends finally with
This seems like a great opportunity for me as I am very flexible, I hold a full UK driving license and I am willing to travel around locally. I see working this role as a great opportunity for me to progress my career to the next level,

So what about the role did he actually want to know - feck all ....

basic requirement of job being able to READ


Offline tel

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #797 on: April 08, 2009, 02:28:48 PM »
A lot of people don't bother to read the job spec etc. and just fire off their letter/CV, shotgun style.

I do read the whole lot and sometimes wish I hadn't.

My old company has just imposed a 10% pay cut.


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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #798 on: April 08, 2009, 02:37:06 PM »
I have an appointment with a Recruitment Consultancy tomorrow - they will go over my CV and stuff.

At 4.45PM. In Regent Street.  cussing:

Twill give Mrs TMR (to be) a chance for some retail therapy whilst waiting for you - it it late night shopping on a Thursday?


Offline The Moan Ranger

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #799 on: April 08, 2009, 03:13:28 PM »
And why, pray, would she be with me?

Offline Snoopy

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #800 on: April 08, 2009, 03:19:42 PM »

What is wrong with people. My name and contact details have been put down on the job advert  - for the purpose of  'if you want to discuss the role further before applying' stuff.

In the past two days I have received 10 calls asking if they don't have the qualification would it still be worth applying - errr that will be no then. Can you not be arsed to read the job description yourself you lazy twonks  evil:

Then I have had 2 emails from people asking if that was really what we meant in the advert - errrr yes  evil:

I have also received an email just now from someone who seems convinced he doesn't need to actually fill in an application form.......I shall quote lines from his never ending, self promoting diatribe of shite  noooo:

I’ve seen the above job post on the website.  Having read the job specification I feel that I can be a great candidate for this role.  I am a degree candidate who has worked in the public sector for a number of years, I am a creative trouble-shooter and a problem solver who is very analytical and adapts easily to new situations, I am a quick learner who enjoys new challenges. Ability to focus on a given problem or project until it is resolved or completed, with these abilities I can be an asset to the organisation.

you still awake yet ... there are another 18 paparagraphs ( I kid you not  noooo:)

which ends finally with
This seems like a great opportunity for me as I am very flexible, I hold a full UK driving license and I am willing to travel around locally. I see working this role as a great opportunity for me to progress my career to the next level,

So what about the role did he actually want to know - feck all ....

basic requirement of job being able to READ

He is also not being English you know  whistle:

Prejudiced? You fecking bet I am!
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Offline tel

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #801 on: April 27, 2009, 01:36:59 PM »
I have just recieved a letter/form from the Dept for Work & Pensions.

It details my Jobseeker Allowance payments (all 6 months worth) and goes on to tell me that it is taxable!

As I haven' found another job I haven't paid any tax.

Bit much taxing a so called "allowance".


Offline Snoopy

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #802 on: April 27, 2009, 01:44:45 PM »
I receive a small "occupational pension" plus Disabilty payments and Pension credits. The "benefits" are taxable income but they do not deduct any tax. However they do include them in my taxable income along with the small pension and tax the pension payments for the full amount of tax due on everything. One year they gave me a rebate that I hadn't asked for and the next told me I had underpaid the previous year so taxed me double.
Gordon has created a monster that no-one understands. It is insane.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Offline The Moan Ranger

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #803 on: April 27, 2009, 08:56:25 PM »
I have just recieved a letter/form from the Dept for Work & Pensions.

It details my Jobseeker Allowance payments (all 6 months worth) and goes on to tell me that it is taxable!

As I haven' found another job I haven't paid any tax.

Bit much taxing a so called "allowance".

Had the same thing - £1547.08. I only paid £45,000 in tax last year...

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #804 on: April 28, 2009, 10:43:23 AM »
Some of the jobs I have looked at, require Security Clearance. It would appear that you cannot get this clearance as an individual as it is something that the employer has to obtain. Once obtained you can transfer it when you change jobs.
I use to work for a govt agency and know I was vetted but I have no idea if I am still cleared - how the hell do I find out?


Offline Snoopy

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #805 on: April 28, 2009, 12:32:26 PM »
You don't ~ is the short answer.
"Security Clearance" is not transferable and if the job centre claims it is they are wrong. "Security Clearance" needs to be renewed at regular intervals depending on the nature of the employment. I used to hold clearance from both the Home Office and the MOD. Both have now lapsed.

If the potential employer is talking about "clearance" through the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB Check) that cannot be transferred between employers nor can it be obtained by you as an individual. An employer who legally needs you to have this sort of clearance ~ It is either a "Partial" or "Full" Disclosure that requires your written consent and is then applied for by the nominated person within the company or organisation ~ would ask for you to complete a form and the job would normally entail working with children or vulnerable adults. Some, but only a few, security companies use the service too but most find it too expensive and, since it is pretty worthless anyway, prefer to carry out their own checks on your background.

Rather like "Identity Theft" and "Data Protection" "Security Clearance" has become a much misused expression behind which the ignorant and ill-informed like to hide. Next time you are asked for it ask for a better explanation.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Offline Pastis

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #806 on: May 04, 2009, 05:12:33 PM »
Does it get any better for those out there looking?

I had an email in yesterday from a young acquaintance. In the space of a week she's been made redundant, split up with her boyfriend, broken her ankle, had to give up her rented flat and the last straw, had to file for bankruptancy  sad24:
If I didn't actually know her I'd think it was a begging letter, but true to her character she was asking for advice and determined to start afresh. A good kid, but what a mountain to have to climb when you're in your twenties.  noooo:

This weekend marks the 22nd year of my business and a cursory glance at the figures points to the worst year ever but thankfully it's still going. Strangely, year 23 seems to kicking off well  eeek:
Like the Buddhist said to the hot dog vendor...
"Make me one with everything"

Offline Miss Demeanour

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #807 on: May 04, 2009, 05:39:56 PM »
Poor woman....that's an awful lot to have to deal with in one go  eeek: - hope she maintains her strength of character and gets some lucky breaks soon.


Offline The Moan Ranger

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #808 on: May 04, 2009, 07:00:22 PM »
Does it get any better for those out there looking?

The simple answer is "no"!  noooo:

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Re: TG's gizza job thread.
« Reply #809 on: May 05, 2009, 02:21:13 PM »
I got a tax refund last week. £190. My cup runneth over.

Anywho, as I am in for the long haul I have decided to participate in further education.

I left school as soon as possible without any qualifications (except CSE's, does any one remember them?) in fact I left school quite frequently before It was legally possible. Like many I regret it, but I loathed secondary school with a passion.

So I may try GCSE's ("or equivalent" as it says on so many job applications) in English & sums. Or possibly basic IT stuff ( I have much IT experience but nothing on paper).

There is a lot available free if you are on JSA (or equivalent) and it looks good on one's CV to show you are doing something other than sitting on ones arse posting shite on web forums.

I just took some on-line assessments that indicate I am in fact, a retard. But Nil Desparandum, I am awaiting a phone call from education types to see what is available.

I am amazed that I still remain positive. 30 jobs applied for in April.  surrender:

I think my cat wants to kill me...