I am applyng for a job with a school which is described as a "Pupil Referral Unit" - not sure about this though.
PRUs are often thought of as a place where badly behaved children are sent, but they can actually cater for a wide range of pupils – those who cannot attend school because of medical problems, teenage mothers and pregnant schoolgirls, pupils who have been assessed as being school phobic, and pupils awaiting a school place. They do also provide education for pupils who have been excluded, and they can be used to provide short placements for those who are at risk of exclusion.
Some PRUs cater for particular kinds of pupils (units for teenage mothers and pregnant schoolgirls, for example), while others will have a mix of different kinds. But usually, pupils who are in PRUs because of behavioural problems are not taught alongside pupils who are in PRUs for other reasons. For most pupils, the main focus of PRUs should be on getting them back into a school.