Gatso'd, and N.I.P received.
Now as some of you may know, I'm
NOT one for turning over and having my tummy tickled, so I've written to them, by recorded delivery today, minus my signature of 'guilt', demanding positive identification by means of photographic evidence as to WHO was exactly driving said GROWLER mobile at the given time of persecution, as both myself and Mrs GROWLER were driving the car that day, and I cannot for the life of me remember who was driving it or when on that day, or in fact if either of us were.
I'm fully expecting zero response to my request, and therefore look forward to my day in court with t'he beak' to ask HIM if he knows?
I shall be using
GROWLER and GROWLER no positive proof? No blame, solicitors to defend us.
Should be an interesting day out, and I'll try not to exceed 37mph en route.