Well knoock me down, I've had a reply complete with some nice 'holiday snaps' of the back of me car.
They state that the scamera is only for the purpose of identifying the car, and will probably be of no use to me for the purpose of identifying the driver at said time of offence, so can I therefore supply the name address and d.o.b. of all possible drivers on that day.
Yes, no problem, but what are you then going to do ? Prosecute the pair of us?
You're nicked for sure...
We shall see.
I'll not go down without a bloody fight.
I'm on a mission demanding proof, and will go to any length to obtain what I'm entitled to, or don't human rights exist for motorists?
They need to spend more time sorting out these 'boy racers' around here (and nationwide) at night time, or is that too much like hard work?
Unbelievable eye watering speeds being attained, and not a plod in sight.