It sounds like this is going to be a floating brat camp that will teach employable skills. If that is the case and say 100 out of 150 people get jpbs after being in it then it will pay for itself in about 2 years.
Truth be told it isnt that more stupid than any Government run initiative to get the young working so I'll hold judgement untill I've seen some results.
What bollocks IMHO!

Any 'brat' that is unable to learn skills normally (i.e. in school or college) without being tempted by an easy life of crime will come to nothing however many 'treats' like this are foisted on them at taxpayers expense...
They need to be taught the harsh realities of the world - work hard, toe the line and make something of yourself... not that misbehaving brings you a life on the ocean wave and special treatment....

The problem with these schemes and others like them (we've all seem them - drive a racing car, fly to the moon, etc.) is that teaching them how an engine works and giving them a AAA* for turning up for a few days doesn't fundamentally change their attitude to work and society. They are nothing and they'll come to nothing unless the rules and realities that the rest of us live by are taught to them - by force if necessary...
IMHO of course...