Such a shame I can't share all the details of my web site, location and stuff openly in here.
Your loss... we are trawled every day by 'spiders'... it could be hugely beneficial...
Yes, I know that, but you know why....don't you?
Yes, but I was making the point that the website is to bring in punters, so they need to be able to find it and if they can, so can the reprobates in here.
Your point is taken though. . .
I can assure you it is shown/mentioned/linked at/on various other locations/forums/web sites within the net.
Even that brings in a lot of tossers (and automated garbled unreadable shite) making stupid comments via my dedicated web site e mail addy though.
Why do they do that? What a waste of time.....for them. I just block and delete.