In my experience most Americans are pretty stupid anyway. I don't think one should take this kind of attention seeking nonsense seriously. Of course if one accepts the words of Jesus "Wheresoever two or more people shall gather together in my name there shall be a church", buildings don't actually come into the equation. Churches, chapels, temples etc ~ are simply meeting houses for those who share a belief and that could just as easily be a bus shelter or my front room. That is how people like me can be Christian without having any time for the dressing up of priests, the symbols of churches or any of the other nonsense that some have hung on to a basic belief in God. Those things, as in "God's house on earth", are all part of the smoke and mirrors that some people use to justify their own greed and love of dressing up. True faith has nothing to do with outward symbols. Americans, being raised as they have been, to believe in the outward trappings of their version of success, are probably the world's worst at this sort of nonsense. They, of course, see themselves as the world's best.