Possibly a stupid question but if all else fails can't she print it at school or email it to her teacher?
No ...tried that one GM
School has MS Office 2002 - we have 2007 and its not backwards compatible 
The THW's school will not permit students to bring in work on memory stick, disk or any other storage device to be printed at school. They say it is to protect their systems from infection and because they cannot afford the ink/paper that this would involve with a school roll of 2000. They also refuse to allow emailed home/course work to be sent either to the school system or to be printed by the staff .... for the same
reasons excuses.
Certain teachers refuse to accept home/coursework that has been printed on Ink Jet printers because it is not "clear enough" They will only accept stuff printed on laser printers. (This was the cause of a major ruck I had with the headteacher).
BUT as I asked my daughter, and you might care to do the same, "Why not hand write your homework and bollix them completely?"
Of course that would actually involve the child in work so you'll get no support there.
The school have PCs and Printers and they will permit, in fact they would like, the children to attend the homework clubs run in all schools and use their equipment to produce the work but of course the pupils don't like that idea because they would not then be able to leave it all to the last minute before doing the work.
It is worth reminding your child that she will NOT have the use of a PC and printer for her exams ~ a fact only recently realised by the THW who is devastated by it.