Starts us off on daft chases and gets us onto rubber pyjamas
WTF are you on about?
What daft chases?
Why would you consider me as being a buffoon anyway?
Because I speak my mind, albeit a bit over energetically sometimes, and some of what I say doesn't go down to well with some p'raps?
OK, so I may not be the best educated in here, but at least I don't just sit in the corner quivering like a wilting flower.
If you don't like it, request the pressing of the ban button and see if I really give a shit.........LIKE
I suggest MR NICK, that you are in fact the buffoon for actually starting this thread, and indeed shit stirring too!
Could you in fact be bordering on being our resident troll, heaven forbid?
Or p'raps the quack has prescribed the wrong medication?
Thought you
were my 'mate' anyway you old tosser.