All rooms full at the moment ~ and not a minutes peace.
Actually we probably are well placed to weather the storm. Local Government is ineffective, Welsh Assembly Government (yes WAG as they like to call themselves) is a long way off and does act as a buffer between us and some of the excesses of Westminster. Snoopers from Revenue, Customs and Social Services (Or Job Centre Plus as they like to be known this week) are pretty distant as all local offices have been shut. This corner of Wales (Top Left Hand) is relatively crime free and, unless you count the anti motoring taleban, the police are few and far between. Any enquiries about you or your activities will be relayed to you within minutes and you can always confuse the police, social services, job centre staff etc by demanding a translator as you wish to exercise your rights under the Welsh Language Act to have everything explained in both languages.
All in all we get pretty much left alone.
Oh ~ and I can cook.
How are you on toilet cleaning?