SWWLTBO says I am as bad as they are and have yet to grow up.
Don't get me started Snoops....too late. New thread coming up very shortly, just for you MD and meself like.
BIG barney about this very subject currently raging on here at Growler Towers.
All men are only Bigger Boys in reality.
Frankly I used to worry about portraying the "right, grown-up" image but now I just don't give a stuff ~ don't like me the way I am? ........... SOD OFF!
Wife looks heavenward at times and the THW thinks I am soooooooooooo stoooopid but the boys think I'm the mutt's nuts. Life is too short to be "responsible" all the time. I make sure none of them come to harm but if letting them watch Clarkson and co and not blowing my stack because the eldest appears to have discovered that his todger is not for stirring tea with makes me a bad person so be it.
I enjoy showing them stunts that I pulled as a kid, teaching them how to set off fireworks and not get hurt is a delight for me. Limited as I am by the constraints of health problems I still try to let them see that life should be enjoyed. THW is so bloody po-faced I could slap her and probably will.
Delightful conversation with Minor last night. He is eleven (not 12 until August next). He told me he had a "Problem that is worrying him"
"Tell yer old man then" I invited.
He took a deep breath and said "I am worried that my voice is going to break"
"It will" I assured him "What's the problem tho?"
"Well" he muttered "Thing is ......... Will it hurt very much?"
Bless his little heart.
I gave all the reassurance that the only thing that might be hurt would be his pride for a few weeks if he was one of those who went "squeaky" whilst it happened but I was able to tell him that in my case it happened almost overnight. I went to bed a soprano and woke a baritone.
He seemed relieved.
Kids ~ How their minds work