The THW is now well into the revision stage of her GCSEs (Mocks in four weeks). I was unaware until now, because it wasn't done this way when I or my much older children sat O Levels and GCSEs respectively, that the Mocks are used to grade the children and a poor mark in the Mocks means that the child will be deliberately targeted at a lower grade in the actual exams. Anyone thus targeted has no chance of achieving an A or A* nor even a B because they will not be permitted to sit that "higher level" of exam paper.

I don't know if this is a local thing or if it applies everywhere these days and am having problems finding out ~ One for you Nick.
Meanwhile the Headteacher has been on a course and come back buzzing with excitement and new ideas ~ ideas that he is now preaching to the children on a daily basis ~ ideas that I learnt 55 years ago such as "If you find it hard to remember something think up a Mnemonic to aid you". He is offering this as if it were the Holy Grail.
He has also produced a booklet of some 35 pages to help the children through this "most challenging part of your school life to date" It is A4 sized and contains all sorts of aids to memory, helpful tips and hints, pages on problem solving etc. It is also the most poorly written, misspelt, grammatically incorrect piece of work I have ever read ~ bar none. I have in front of me a photocopy of page 22 that contains no fewer than 7 grammatical or spelling mistakes. This is by no means the worst page ~ a copy of the entire booklet is being posted, suitably marked with a hi-lite pen, to the Welsh Assembly Government's Minister for Education.
Even the kids in the school are spotting the errors and laughing at them ~ and that will probably be the excuse "It's an exercise to show the children how not to do it" ~ anybody care to bet that they won't try that one on?

B@st@rds ~ this is our future they are busy fvcking up.