Gorra be honest ~ cos you're a mate but I preferred the Rolling Stones.
Me and my mates thought the Beatles were a bit soft ~ mind you my lil bruvver liked the Beatles ~ but he was/is three years younger see.
You, of course, also have the excuse of being scouse like.
Nowt to do with me bein' scouse tbh. I'd have loved 'em anyway.....and still do!
There were always strong feelings in the playground as to which band was the best though, I know where you're coming from there.
I deliberately hated The 'Stones, simply because 'Stones fans hated The Beatles!
It was just 'competition' and an excuse for a fight of your 'corner'.
All very childish, but of course as we grow older, judgement become a bit clearer...alledgedly.
Anyway, I've been singing along and basking in classical pop music for 2 hours, with the glazed eyes of far and distant happy memories.
So strange how you can re-live and feel exactly how you felt at that time isn't it, and so beautiful that NO one can
ever take that away from you.