My nearest is a Tesco so called 'Superstore' we were in there on Wednesday eve for our usual weekly shop and Saddler spotted a DAB radio/CD player on special offer. He has been dropping heavy hints for weeks about DAB radios & xmas.
I had had a look on Amazon, but £50 for a radio! bugger that for a game of soldiers. Anyhoo this radio/CD thingy is £70 bar for a couple of pee & I've got £12 of money off vouchers so I think okey dokey.
Saturday afternoon sees me driving round the bleep car park for 25mins before finding a space but do manage to get one of the last 2 radio/cd's. Next stop the checkouts. bleep bleep bleep. Suffice to say it took me over an hour from entering the car park to leaving it, all for 1 item.
If Saddler doesn't express extreme happiness on Christmas morning he will get it wrapped round his head.