When it suits me then NO! is the only option.
But take no notice of me. If you all want to be cheese eating surrender monkeys then that's up to you. I simply decided some years ago that I had reached the point where worrying about pleasing others was no longer my primary concern. It is wonderfully liberating. It has to be said that MrsS#2 does not like it much but that is her problem, not mine. What she wishes to do about it is again her problem, not mine.
You see, having discovered how much the loss of loved ones, divorce and then estrangement from those I thought loved me can hurt, I realised that nothing could ever hurt that much again, nothing could ever have such an effect on me ~ so I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by simply being selfish. Not in a material way of course, possessions count for nothing, but completely selfish in protecting my feelings.