Well? How did it go?
The incidental bit of the day went according to plan, but it was as boring as hell. I did fall asleep briefly.

When the cast decided that it was time for some communal singing we all had to link arms. The guy next to me said he wasn't going to bother as he didn't want to spoil my slumbers, sarcy mancunian git.

I was sickened and very angry with a crimson face afterwards though, and virtually speechless for the rest of the day. Struggled to eat my tea tbh. I'm still glowering with rage now tbh.
My lovely SIL was very embarrassed, close to tears and extremely apologetic about the unjustified grief I received after the show however. She was 3 cars behind me at the car park fiasco and heard it all.
Told her it wasn't her fault in any way whatsoever and gave her a hug.
Tonight I generally feel shit, sad, very quiet and subdued and at hate with the general public generally.
I'm going up Snowdon very early on new years day
on my own now, to hopefully regain some peace in my mind life and soul.
A very hurt and bitter Growler tonight licking his wounds.
Is it any wonder I want to 'drop out' and go and live in the woods.