There is immense amounts of work going into planning the Olmpics and the impact it will have on all businesses and services in London.
We have been sent a directive today. Apparently all staff have to put aside some time on a certain date in the next couple of weeks and this is to be Olmpics test day .
The day before and on the test day itself ‘mock’ communications will be issued to provide information about what’s happening in the city, any incidents that arise and transport updates.
They are asking you to use the ' travel tools' available to find out how your usual journey will be affected on 7th August ( the day they are asking you to believe it is ) . Things you should think about:
• Working from a different office so you can carry out site visits without being hindered by the need to cross the Olympic Route Network (ORN).
• If your route into work will be severely affected you might want to try out a different route or mode of transport to avoid the worst of the delays.
• Can you work from home?
• Can you work different hours than usual; for instance, start at 7am and leave at 3pm?
I think I can answer that now don't you