Here is how you play.
1. Choose a suitable barmaid type. There are two types.The first is

(see, for example, Anna Friel), the second is

(e.g. Anne Widdecombe)
2. Post a picture of said barmaid
3. Players then submit bangability ratings (1 == not at all to 10 =

4. Gay members may nominate other gays as barmaids/barmen (to please Wenchy)
5. After 7 days sums are done (by a trusty judge) and BANG GOES THE BARMAID. The

category allows for perverts and cheats

6. The voter with the highest rating for the winning Maid wins something that BM will supply (not home brew

7.Patrons may submit any number of candidates
8. Only one vote per patron will be counted (the lowest in the event of cheating, or praps not at all)
9. BM pays all airfares
It will be fast and lively. Unlike Death Bingo which will drag on to the crack of doom
Girls may also submit Barboys in the interests of Equal Opps and so we can see how weird their taste in men is (muscles, hair, own teeth and suchlike)
I shall commence