Nulabour ~ like old Labour ~ was/is all about the redistribution of wealth.
I pondered long and hard about Nulabour's "Third Way" and I think I have finally worked it out.
They still redistribute wealth but unlike their forefathers they do not try to take from the rich and give to the poor.
Nor do they behave the way they claim the Tories behave by taking from the poor and giving to the rich.
The "Third Way" is to take from everyone and give it to the rich.
Those banks haven't lost any real money and many in Banking have become rich beyond the dreams of avarice. The minnows who man city trading rooms have made a killing in bonuses but good luck to them, their time at that level is very short but the real rich have simply got richer and richer. The CE Os of various organisations have likewise profited enormously. The top managers in the NHS have pocketed vast sums and the "cronies" in the quangos etc have seen their bank balances grow and grow. MPs have made sure that their pension pots remain well ahead of the game.
Vast sums of our money have been squandered on daft schemes or given to Europe and Africa ~ with no benefit to us at all.
We, the ordinary people, have been well and truly shafted.
I now consider myself lucky to have been "retired" when I was. It has been a frustrating experience (still is at times) but it did mean that I had to trim the cloth all round. Credit cards dumped, debts paid off where possible and "negotiated away" where not (It's a fvck of a drop from £45kpa to £17Kpa). Houses were sold and different property purchased in a cheaper area to get more for the money (You think I like living in Wales??? ~ OK it has some good points but it also has the Welsh)
Now we have had our moans ~ what to do?
No one can expect to have a career anymore. Most sensible younger people are planning (expecting perhaps) to have at least 7 different careers over their working lifetime. For us older ones it is time to think "Multi Income Streams" ~ preferably in cash businesses. Having three or even four jobs is not hard. My niece in Switzerland has done this for years. Four jobs to which you give 12 hours a week is still only a 48 hour week. Lose one job and you have dropped only 25% of your income. Have only one job and lose that, you have lost 100% of your income.
Think about it. My method works (or at least it does for me)