It seems that under the current regime only white people born in England are allowed to be racist. Anyone else, it seems, can call us what they like and bar us from any organisation they wish to form. Unfortunately we are not permitted the same priviledges.
As a prime example I give you:
The National Black Police Association seeks to improve the working environment of Black staff by protecting the rights of those employed within the Police Service and to enhance racial harmony and the quality of service to the Black community of the United Kingdom. Thereby assisting the Police Service in delivering a fair and equitable service to all sections of the community.
Aims & Objectives
The aims of the NBPA shall be to seek to improve the working environment of Black staff members, as defined in article 4.1 of the constitution, employed within the Police Service of the United Kingdom, with a view to enhancing the quality of service to the minority ethnic community of the United Kingdom.
The definition of "Black" does not refer to skin colour. The emphasis is on the common experience and determination of the people of African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin to oppose the effects of racism.
The Police Federation of England and Wales is a staff association for all police constables, sergeants and inspectors (including chief inspectors). It was created by the Police Act 1919, passed a year after a crippling strike by the unrecognised National Union of Police and Prison Officers (NUPPO).
So any Police Officer may join the Police Federation but only those of ethnic minorities may join the National Black Police Association.
I'm sure there is good reason for this ~ I just can't seem to put my finger on it.