Truly I am injured, but still appreciative of the scenery. 
I'm sure the knee is fine, they are buggered anyway so anything like that just makes them feel worse, but I shall keep a watchful eye.
Ey? Only in your 20's aren't you?
Why are they buggered already?
Excess past choccy gorging put a bit of strain on them? 
Thirty on the first of Jan. 
Knees are apparently buggered by an excess of horse riding and ballet when I was younger. Plus a genetic weakness in that area.
Plus the right one got kicked by a horse and the left nearly pulled out of joint by a nasty fight with Brother Wench when we were younger. 
Similar to Mrs Growler then. That was the start of all her knee and back troubles.
Bloody nags. Hateful creatures, and Mrs Growler is encouraging Mini Moose to continue her horsey lessons.
I'm taking her tomorrow night. She hates that as I embarass her in front of the other students the way I talk to the 'orses and show total and deliberate ignorance.
Gee up neddy, and get yer foot down being bellowed out in the arena doesn't go down too well like.