What you shaking your head about ey?
Oh I see. Wimmins ganging up time is it? ALL my fault now.
Not at all, shaking head at Mrs Growler for continuing to hide things when she admits she lost the first lot!
Mother Wench has always hidden hers in one of two places, all of us know them. Father Wench used to hide his cash up the chimmney, until the year he forgot and lit a fire.
Precisely. EXACTLY what I've just said to Mrs Growler.
Why haven't you told us ffs, meaning me and Growler jnr's.
Apparently, this seems to run in her family.
MIL 'hid' a load of cash 15 years ago, how much I do not know, but a fairly substantial amount so it seems, and to this day she still hasn't found it.
Staggering stuff.