My mobile does not work in the House, Sky is the only way we can receive digi radio or TV ~ even when the "Big Switchover" happens we will not be able to get Freeview or DAB Radio because we are in the 0.5% of the entire UK that has a mountain between us and the friggin Aerial Booster. Being in Wales we are told that we cannot use the transmitter that is on the Wirral (there is nothing but 3 or 4 miles of sea between us and it) because that does not carry "Welsh Programmes" ~ I don't watch f'ing Welsh Programmes but like everything else it is being done by post code.
And that's another thing. I have a Welsh post code ~ but all mail collected from here or sent to here is routed via Chester Sorting Office where the Posties don't speak or read Welsh ~ what's the point of that Eh?
And because of my Welsh postcode ALL official communications from Government, Inland Revenue, British Telecom and the DVLA, the Police, the Pensions Department is twice as thick as it needs be because they send it in English and in Welsh.
And Because my phone number is routed through a Welsh exchange every official body that I ring answers me in fecking Welsh ~ even 999, before they will speak to me in English ~ which, as I know, can be a bit of a bastard when you're having a heart attack and want an ambulance.
Meanwhile getting back to Digi everything ~ it is all a con to enable HM Govt to sell off the freed up airwaves to the highest bidder ~ and what do these bidders want them for ~ communi-fvcking-cation is what, because they know it works.

Thank you ~ I feel better now.