Just applied online and instantly got accepted for a new credit card from Citi bank Shell card for my fuel purchases ONLY.
3p off every litre and a further 3% cash back to be saved towards future Shell purchases once a decent amount has been acrued.
MUST pay it off in full by standing order every month though, or it's a staggering eye watering thieving 29.9% APR!
Discipline is the number 1 priority here.
Can you pay a variable amount by standing order?[/serious]
You can certainly pay off the balance to avoid intrest every month, yes.
S/O or D/D. I'll check and see.
I tend to get the two mixed up, but it'll be the correct on that I susbscribe to once the info arrives.
UM. You make it almost sound as though it's impossible be disciplined regarding payments.
There'd be no point in having this card whatsoever if I wasn't going to do as indicated.
I, like many others, are currently looking at ways and means of 'trimming back' on several essential items that all add up to reward you with significant...ish total savings by the end of each month.
Every little helps as 'they' say.