....and so it goes on and on and on.
People say to me, keep your head up. If you think things will go wrong, they probably will. THINK POSITIVE, O.K.?

Yea, right ,O.K., if you say so.
So, I try and do as these wise and successful people say.

So today, I have been let down YET again by yet another bloody contractor who PROMISED he'd have the graphics I've ordered, delivered and fitted within 2 weeks.
Well that was just dandy wasn't it ey? I rings them up this morning and the gaffer answers the phone to tell me that the request/order was still sitting on his desk. The bloke that took the order has gone away on his holidays.
Well, I hope it fckin pisses down on him and he gets a swarm of man eating locust down his Y fronts, cus he's just wasted ANOTHER 2 weeks of my life, TOSSER!

I can't go anywhere else...as much as I'd liked to have said so this morning, because these are the useless idiots that my main sponsor use, and as they are paying, I have to use them.
2 hours later, I receive a 'phone call of GROWLER jnr.,snr., who kindly informs me...Nick wont want to read this bit....that he's been speaking to 'this bloke', and that 'this bloke' who knows the landowner I'm renting The Swamp' off, is not to be trusted and will probably turf me out at a moments notice when he's had enough of me, that's assuming the local council don't turf me out before hand, but that is another totally different tale of possible woe. Hopefully that bit won't happen, but with the way things are going so far.....god loves a tryer, thats for sure.
As for the web site, well you all know my tales of woe on that one. Let down comprehensively by 3 arse holes.
Next please.

Your own personal punchbag awaits you.
I shall however, persevere in the face of adversity, as much as i really want to simply run away and hibernate.