It's Day 3 of the Thames Water fiasco here. TBH I didn't even notice it at first on Thursday night as mine was still flowing but texts were flying, notices were being posted, neighbours were shouting compo and the girlies were complaining they couldn't get ready to go out.
By Friday lunchtime my taps were dry but I managed a brief shower and then made haste to stock up with 5 litre flagons of Tescio's cheapio water. Thames Water by now have admitted their culpability and are erecting stand pipes in the street... ahhh, the Blitz Spirit, jumpers for goal posts and all that. The problem they face is a 19thC infrastructure with a 21stC population and the system is leaking like a sieve. They promise 2 bars of pressure but it clearly dips below that when there's another leak and that ain't enough to fill the header tanks on the roof
Today we have tankers and apparently emergency refills of the headers in the small hours this morning and loads of operatives scratching their heads. It's not here, it's down the road, it's up at the Oval... on it goes
I've petitioned for independence from this Utility hostage situation for years by installing our own pump but of course it costs. It look like this last incident might convince some others that it's the way to go.
We're hostage to the banks, the building societies, HMCR, HMG and now the bloody utilities!
And if that wasn't enough there's been another shooting down the road and the police helicopters have been hovering.
Oh, and joy of joys, I've just been sent a NIP for exceeding the 30 last Sunday afternoon on a completely clear stretch of highway
Happy Fvcking Christmas! ... and pass me that bottle!