Southampton City Council administer a population of 231200 according to latest available figures (2007)
Denbighshire County Council administer a population of 97000 according to latest available figures (2007)
Southampton City Council say they employ some 20,000 staff across all departments (I expect there may be some areas that devolve to Hampshire county Council for administration)
Denbighshire County Council tells me that they employ 23,000 staff (this does not include anyone employed by town councils within the county)
I obtained these figures a few months ago for a planned article in the local magazine about value for money/council tax etc but having got the numbers my theory that Southampton and Denbighshire had roughly similar populations and responsibilities was not accurate enough to use them so I went about the article from a different direction.
The reason for quoting them here is to show the size of council staffing by comparison with population and to put into perspective the number of redundancies mentioned by Miss D. Frankly 400 from a local authority payroll is a very small number of people and not something that would concern me overmuch if I were employed by that particular council.
It is, of course, indicative of opportunistic pruning that can be blamed on "external pressures" rather than admitting that they have allowed some dead wood to be carried by local tax payers for too long.