Welcome to an all new VP super contest. Like previous VP super quizzes and contests it's possibly in poor taste but when has that stopped us?
The contention is that according to various economic pundits several High Street names, businesses, franchises whatever, will go to the wall by the end of January...
... and this is where you all can pitch in!
1. Each player can submit 6 companies that they think will call in the Administrators by the end of January
2. The announcement of liquidation, administrators being called must appear in the UK press prior to midnight on the 31st January.
3. Players can hold like companies as other players but the companies must have a UK presence.
4. The winner will be the player that holds the most Co. collapses. In the event of a tie, numbers of employees put out of work will count; the higher the winner.
Play will start at midnight on December 31st and last for one month... get cracking!