You are missing the point.
Gordon Brown is and has been on a long term mission to turn the UK into a Socialist Republic. The more control Government has over our lives the closer he gets to realising his ultimate goal. This is just another piece of state intervention ~ little different from the frequently reissued "10 year plan to build more tractors and grow more corn" so beloved of the old Soviet Republic.
Look at every action Brown has taken since being elected to Parliament, look at the things he wrote and the causes he espoused before he even got elected. They all point to a plan to break down the UK so that he could rebuild it in the way he wants it to be. So far he is on track. He has depleted our gold reserves to almost nil, he has ensured an entire generation of children educated over the past 11 years will be too unknowing to change things back, he has made the majority of the country's workforce totally dependant on the Government for their jobs and future pensions (NHS/Local Government/Education/Police etc) and is even now ensuring even more control over the banks (55% of RBS and over 40% of HBOS shares are, as of today, in Government control), what little manufacturing left in the UK is now dependant on Government contracts for survival. He has run the military into the ground so they no longer pose a threat and so totally politicised the civil service that they no longer work for us but for the Labour Party. With few exceptions the media is little more than a mouthpiece for Brown's propaganda machine. Television is Brown's version of the old Roman Emperors' maxim of keeping the populace mindlessly amused to prevent them rioting and the recent massive hike in grain prices that have now slipped back to nearer normal was nought but a demonstration by Brown that he can manipulate the food supply (If not how and why did all this extra grain suddenly appear between harvests?) thus neatly completing the Roman idea of Bread and Circusses ~ "Feed the masses and give them entertainment and they will not question us too closely".
Of course his mission will not be complete in his lifetime but he has set it well on course and it is going to take someone exceptional to change it now .......... and I do not see that someone out there anywhere.