Don't take the piss, and don't start hollering "well give it to me then" either.

Just banked a fairly substantial cheque following the sale of my deceased dads and step mothers flat sale. Been divided up by 2 and then the 50% remaining divided by two again between my bruvver and myself, so it's not an earth shattering amount, but more than I've ever seen in my account.
To be quite honest, it's making me feel quite pensive, as I'm worried about it just disappearing gradually over the coming months, and once it's gone, it's gone.
When I banked it, the knives were out immidiately with the cashier trying to pursuade me to make an appointment to come in and have a 'cosy friendly' chat as to how they could make it work best for me. Yea, righ'on sister.
So, apart from investing in a bit of equipment for Swamp 2 (risky enough in itself) paying off a small loan or two, ferkling the house up with some well overdue and totally unexciting and expensive repairs such as gutters, barge boards and soffits, what the hell am I going to do with it?
WHERE though, as all rates are currently total shite, and the thought of this dosh just sitting in some bank 'earning' a couple of hundred quid over 12 months is totally unappealing.
Anyone got any sensible suggestions, as I'm boloxed if I have any tbh chief.
I can quite catergorically say, that money does not make you happy....unless it's of life changing amounts I suppose.