He is tinted ~ that is all that matters to these people. Fact is he is an unproven, low ranking senator who has sailed to high office on his colour and a determination by middle America that they did not want another dose of the Clintons. This is a classic case of Political Correctness gone mad. I hope he does a good job but somehow I doubt it. The whole thing is like something out of the Wizard of Oz ~ all smoke and mirrors. Following the same route, by train, that Lincoln followed. Memorial to Martin Luther King yesterday en route. Calls to God to steer him down the right path. Comparisons to JFK (does this mean he'll screw anything that crosses his path?)
AND now today's Guardian "Does this open the way to a Black Prime Minister?"
All utter bulls hit!
Meanwhile this country (and sod the others we are what concerns me at the moment) goes to hell in a handcart and Obama says he will not see Brown first, he would prefer to meet Sarkozy. Brown says "Och that doesn't matter, I have written him a letter". Shoulda learned to use a Blackberry Gordon.