My smallest is 8 today ~ we had his outing yesterday. 6 boys bowling + a separate comp for the mummies who came. I had to referee both

. Since I used to work in a bowling alley and none of the mummies had ever done ten pin bowling I was forced to give some yummy mummies personal tuition

Then we adjourned to Frankie and Bennies for nosh. Everyone had a jolly good feed, voted it far better than the usual Pizza Hut or McDonald's and I only spent £160 on the whole thing.
Today the little chap has been playing happilly with some very noisy electronic toys but they have now settled down to watch Spiderman2 on DVD (sorry not Bluray) and I can at last get on with the magazine which I have to get to the printer by Wednesday afternoon.
So not Blue Monday for me. Quite a good day really.