Don?t know what it is but I?ve just had enough of Micro$oft Windows.
I?m currently installing linux on one of my laptops!
I?ve been a long-term ?fan? of Micro$soft products starting with MS-DOS, working up through Windows 386, Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP. But, and it is a big but my satisfaction with XP is rapidly diminishing.
Recently, it just seems that the number of updates, virus updates and general shite that I have to download just to keep the things running (I have five PC?s) is increasing. as a result, the speed of all my PC?s is rapidly decreasing.
I?m damned if I?m going to upgrade all my hardware to run Micro$oft Fista (along with my Micro$oft Office) and I?m damned if I?m going to throw it all away in order to upgrade to a Mac solution.
So, I?m going to have a go at running linux which is completely free and should operate without stress on my existing hardware.
Watch this space?