It seems to me more and more obvious that the system we operate under is completely corrupt – not just the UK but the system world-wide…
Clearly the banks are culpable, they ‘created’ financial products that didn’t really exist yet went round and round in circles, increasing in value ‘til the bubble finally (and inevitably) burst…
Governments saw fit to ignore the bubble as the benefits of ‘growth’ and employment suited them.
Stock market speculators created runs on products like oil and grain and made billions out of people like you and me paying more at the pump and supermarket.
The media completely failed to report what was obvious to many of us (although the majority of the ‘sheeple’ simply took it all in)…
Now governments around the world are ploughing even more of our hard-earned into the very institutions who extorted it from us in the first place so they can reset the bubble and get back to business as normal.
There must be another way?