It's getting better here
Tonight, freezing fog to begin with. Then - apparently - about 3am, more snow. When I eventually managed to get my car out of the pub car park (it's been there since Sunday night) today, I drove it home and it is now nicely nestled by the house. Walking up to the pub, the snow/ice had that "squidgy" feeling you get as a thaw starts to set in.
After getting the car home, I returned to the pub about 3.30pm and already, the squidgy snow/ice was starting to re-freeze. Walking back from the pub at 6pm (ish) it was really crunchy. The freezing fog is settling and freezing on impact, lots of it on the snow turned ivory compacted by the few cars that make it through the side roads. So we now might have fresh snow on top of sheet ice on top of compacted frozen snow. All pavements in the area are nothing short of lethal as they are - a fresh fall of snow may actually help to gain purchase on these, but the roads, but 5am tomorrow are likely to be pretty iffy.
And the Council is out of grit/salt.
Luckily, I managed to get the shopping done this morning (in Mrs TMR (to be))'s car so we won't starve. And we have lots of red wine. We may yet survive this