Diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes four years ago has opened a whole, previously unknown, world to me.
For example I did not know that, as a diabetic, I get to have photographs taken of my eyes every year (Retinopathy) to check whether I am in danger of going blind. ALSO and relevant to this thread I have to have my feet checked by a Nurse Specialist. This is usually done at the same clinic as the photography of the eyeballs and it consists of a close visual examination of the pedular extremities followed by a series of tests on the various pressure and reflex points on the soles of the feet. Apparently they do this as diabetics are prone to loss of feeling in the feet, followed by the onset of gangrene and resultant amputation of the lower limb.
And you, like me, thought it was just a case of not taking sugar in your tea.
Anywhoo ~ when my feet were last checked the nurse commented that if it were not for the size (10) and the fact that I was obviously male she would have thought my feet belonged to a female as they "are so pretty"
She went onto to say I must be one of the few men in the world "who takes care of his feet". All I do is wash the bloody things daily. No unguents, no powders, no use of pumice, no scraping of hard skin ~ in fact no hard skin. Apparently I walk properly and don't wear ridiculous shoes. Actually don't often wear socks either.
I just thought, having been away from the keyboard all afternoon, I would add that little gem to the general pool of foot knowledge we seem to be building. ~ Not so much willy waving as toe waggling really