As of 6pm tonight I have to fast, black tea and coffee or water is ok. 
Blood tests tomorrow morning to ascertain if I am human or not. IMHO I really do not think that the fact that I have to bask on sun-warmed rocks before waking up should be taken into account.
By 11am I may find salmon fish fingers appetising 
"Fasting" blood test to ascertain levels of cholesterol amongst other things.
OK unless you are diabetic and neither they nor you know it which is what happened to me.
Nurse (heard dimly through the coma) "Funny how it's the big blokes that faint when they see a needle"
Doctor "I'm not so sure get me some insulin NOW!"
Five minute later Doctor "Mr Snoopy ~ are you diabetic?"
Me "Don't think so, what happened?"
Doctor "You passed out, it may have been a faint but your record says you have had hundreds of blood tests ~ have they caused you to faint before?"
Me "Nope"
Doctor (scribbling furiously) "Take this letter to your GP meanwhile we'll take the blood now if that's all right with you"
Me "Carry on old sport"
Four hours later phone rings "Mr Snoopy? Dr Jones from the village surgery here ~ are you sitting down?"
Me "No, should I"
Dr Jones "Yes, now it's nothing to worry about but the hospital just rang me with the blood test results and ..... well frankly the last time I saw a blood sugar count like that the person was unconcious. I think we had better get a prescription for insulin down to you and I'll get the nurse to call in tomorrow to show you how to administer it to yourself.