Weeeeeell ~ Me orfice is nice and clean and tidy with bags more room and all the books are in order, new screen fitted. New PC and old screen fitted in Minimus' bedroom. Printers are cleaned and operational, lots of spare cables everywhere and heaps of stuff in boxes that I don't know what to do with currently residing in SWWLTBO's sitting/sewing/crafting/tutoring/tat room ~ she doesn't seem to have noticed yet.

Tomorrow I will sort out and throw away tons of CDRs and floppies and stuff that are all in a big box. Mostly stuff I haven't looked at in 5 years or more. Also a day with the shredder looms as I have documents to sort and get rid of in order to make the remains fit the filing cabinets.
Hey I've just found a set of installation discs for Windows 95!!!! Antique value do you suppose?