Miss D reports
'Well Pastis suggested a new place for our tete a tete and it was dead posh like. Umbrellas in the drinks and everyfink. The menu was on a blackboard, which strcuk me as odd as I am used to them being on plastic cards or in lit up wall boxes like. And they didn't just do burgers and stuff. It was amazing. There were waiters and waitresses too who asked what you wanted instead of saying 'Do you want the meal deal?' It was like being in a film.
Pastis talked a lot and used lots of big words like 'Taramasalata' and 'wheelbarrow'. I got quite flustered and had to keep checking my dictionary under the table. We had some wine. like, quite a lot I think, but I can't quite remember. It was the pink sort. I asked if they had sausages, but it wasn't that kind of place it seems. And the veggies came on little plates by themselves like, which was meant to be posh, but was just a bit of a faff.
I asked for some pudding, but they called it 'dessert' but it was quite nice anyway and not at all fattening

which is why I had two
I got home, um, later. I think. Ooh my head